Meritocracy, a Neo-Darwinism for Democracy.

With the recent political scenario around the globe, I have lost faith in our practice of Democracy. In fact, from all kinds of governing system involving people, their opinion and electing any kind of leadership is a total failure. The system can easily be corrupt. People and leaders can be manipulated and few people can create outcome such, it helps every one equally. It is responsible for bringing all kind of differences among people, nations and nature. I officially declare that prevailing democratic practices is a reason of chaos and hence, declare it as a failed concept for this earth. Monarchy is never an option. I am not fund of communal governance and any other forms of it as well. We should learn the nature of evolution and develop a new system of governance, which eventually can sustain the changing environments for at least for a century or two. My suggestion is a reformed Meritocracy, a Neo-Darwinism for Democracy.

In modern democracies, voters are largely ignorant, misinformed and irrational. This is why one person one vote mechanism proposed by democracy cannot be used to produce efficient policy outcomes, for which the transfer of power to a smaller, informed and rational group would be more appropriate. Most of the voters think that the marginal contribution of their vote will not make a difference on election outcomes; therefore, they do not find it useful to inform themselves on political matters. Similarly, it’s been shown that most citizens process political information in deeply biased, and motivated manner rather than in dispassionate and rational ways. This psychological phenomenon causes voters to strongly identify themselves with a certain political group, specifically find evidence to support arguments aligning with their preferred ideological inclinations, and eventually vote with a high level of bias. I have not participated in any kind of formal elections yet but I am sure my votes will not be rational. I will look into a chance of getting job and opportunities in my ease and vote accordingly rather than looking into a communal, national, and global interest in a long term.
“You can look at China to see how a meritocracy works. First of all, it has to be set up as a dictatorship to prevent the government from proving its legitimacy through elections. The absence of government legitimacy will force the government to earn legitimacy through performance and delivering what people want. The pressure puts government on edge to become efficient, accountable and have long term planning. In China everything is blamed on government from train accidents, milk powder poisoning, industrial explosion, building collapse etc. The government is responsible for all things bad and is held accountable for eternity. China’s FDA head was executed due to milk powder poisoning. American FDA head never even apologized for salmonella poisoning that happens every year.”- says Xamba Yangzoim, in his Quora account.

The problem with Chinese system is, it is totalitarian. It’s strict on providing information and freedom to its people. One way to justify this could be by saying that this is the first phase of the system and it could work out eventually. But it may not. It can turn into an autocratic system of governance. An easier way to do it, in context of Nepal can be following:

- Begin with setting up a system where no member of Legislative can be a part of Executive and Judiciary.

- Direct election of Head of the state. The member of Legislative will be elected as usual *for this term.

- The head of the state then selects at least 3 possible candidates of for each ministry who are well fit for the post, with adequate knowledge and experience. (An example is how we can appoint well experienced doctor for Health Ministry.)

- The Parliament then discusses the possibility of the three(taking in account the educational abilities, IQ performance, previous work experience, social relations, criminal records and many more) to select the best.

This system can eventually be changed by no elections and direct choice of the smartest through various Universities or similar. An example is LOK SEWA AAYOG.

Possible Criticisms:
1. Like China, It may promote totalitarian-ship.
2. Unclear definition of "merit"
3. Class difference by education.
There is no individual solution to each problem. It may look like a class 5 essay but that’s the best came up. Possible solutions for these could be:
a. Free education.
b. Social credit system can be a way to minimize the possibility of totalitarian ship.
c. A body of government that is solely responsible for the selection and is accountable in a circular manner so, no one goes unaccountable.
d. We could define hierarchy in a new world sense.
e. For the problem in class difference by education, the governing body should define quality of life differently. A hermit, farmer, social worker and a researcher all should be treated and promoted equally. The sense of leadership by all should be eradicate by changing the educational and social structure. We already have gone through the Industrial age.
The system of ruling by intelligent has evolved in various ways by Plato to Michael Dunlop Young and Meritocracy Party in Great Britain, the discussion is to take place. We have seen power changes after the world war in the 20th century and how Monarchy around the world was replace by democracy. Look around. Don’t you think it’s time to bring change? The power is shifting, shouldn’t the system and society?

Please feel free to express your thoughts and criticisms.

Photo by: @tricell1991

So far as i can see. Download this photo by Waranont (Joe) on ...


  1. Good thoughts. But it's not that easy. Protests are not reliable revolution. You never know who's leading( we've seen the betrayals) and what it leads to(lauda ganatantra). It is a solution to calm the outrage but only for a period. Most of them are blind. Revolution should be brought in education, health sector, service sector, defense security(anti corrupt). Theres a solution to these shitty elections too. Anna Hajare from India stood up for that. A vote of denial to all the candidates there in, which if got the majority, cancels the election and new candidates are to be selected. In that way, our votes are valued and we get better leaderships.


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