लिम्पियाधुरा कालापानी र लिपुलेक (Limpiadhura, Kalapani, Lipulake) The boarder dispute and social media.

सामाजिक संजालमा लिम्पियाधुरा कालापानी र लिपुलेक बारे लेखिने हरेक संदेश महत्वपूर्ण छन् ।

Recently, few people on Facebook and twitter were pointing that posting on social media from our beds makes no difference but it definitely does. Social media is the most powerful weapon if used properly in the right time. I have tried to point out some of the merits of social media and their positive support in bringing the encroached land back.

1. Awareness
Did you ever read in the history book how writing poems was a rebellious thing to do during Rana regime? And how did you come across this information? I am sure it’s through some social media. The same way some other person will learn about these events through your tweet, post and comments. They are a massive net of awareness and awakening movement. The more we post about it in internet, the more it appears on various searches and increases the reach to a global level.
2. Pressure the government
There are various accounts of politicians in social media and constant mentions and tags aware them about people’s opinion. They can be corrupt but all of them know that they have to be back during the election. Hence, keep mentioning and tagging the representative from your area and make the voice count in national level. Similarly, news media are quick to pick and post on how the people are reacting on certain topic and hence the government is pressurized from parliament and press and should ultimately act on the matter.
3. International media attention
Discussion over regional topics are often covered by media and the chance is higher when the matter is a large talked about matter is social media. Sadly these media are controlled by various interests. India has a big audience and these news outlets won’t cover anti indian sentiments. But the worse of all is that if not all most of the south Asian representative of these big news agencies are Indians and they hardly cover anything that spreads negative image of India. Hence, we should make this campaign big enough to catch the attention of Asian representatives.
4. Helps uncover the real facts.
This is the most beautiful thing about social media. The more you discuss the more you reach into the depth of the matter. There are always people on the both sides and hence these debates and discussion digs more information from history and other sectors. So, Please participate more on these kinds of discussion, keep yourself update and don’t let the anger cool down. We might need to go tho the boarder if necessary.
And Finally,
5. Nothing goes unreported in history, especially if it holds large public opinion. We all remember how we held #backoffindia and #GohomeIndianMedia campaign during 2015 and it has made a remarkable place in our social media history. Whenever someone looks up for India, make sure internet shows them the betrayal. India and Indians keep seeking validation from westerners and if we are able to unmask the real Indian face, it is an ultimate win.

We should not just limit our aim on bringing the land back. Teach a lesson. We should give a sweet taste of pain enough to never get their head turning towards our mother. We can’t fight them with ammunition but we can destroy their sweet loyal Indian fame and tell the world how disgusting, two faced, opportunist, arrogant the Indian authority is. So, write as much as you can about #India and how they #annexedKalapaniLipulakeLimpiadhura .
जय नेपाल

pic: Nepali Times

Image showing the boarder dispute between Nepal, India and China


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