
Showing posts from June, 2020

Will Nepal become 1939 Poland ?

Residing in a geopolitical location between 3 global nuclear powers, Pakistan, India and China, who share a terrible relationship with each other, Nepal is living in a virtue of absolute ceaselessness. The nation is unprepared for any possibility of nuclear disaster.   India and Pakistan face each other in Kashmir, about a 1000 km away from Kathmandu and Indian troops clashed with Chinese in Sikkim, which is in a very close proximity to our boarder and somehow our corrupt system has managed to maintain a very week military. The events of military standoffs and power play between the superpower put our landlocked nation in a great danger. But most importantly we also share a border dispute with India and hardly manage boarder patrolling army. Is Nepal in 1939 Poland situation? How did we come here? Grater Nepal with Tibetan territory. Everything is hidden in the history. Nepalese share proudness for fearless Gurkha solders. Various independent states before creation of unified Nepal f

Meritocracy, a Neo-Darwinism for Democracy.

With the recent political scenario around the globe, I have lost faith in our practice of Democracy. In fact, from all kinds of governing system involving people, their opinion and electing any kind of leadership is a total failure. The system can easily be corrupt. People and leaders can be manipulated and few people can create outcome such, it helps every one equally. It is responsible for bringing all kind of differences among people, nations and nature. I officially declare that prevailing democratic practices is a reason of chaos and hence, declare it as a failed concept for this earth. Monarchy is never an option. I am not fund of communal governance and any other forms of it as well. We should learn the nature of evolution and develop a new system of governance, which eventually can sustain the changing environments for at least for a century or two. My suggestion is a reformed Meritocracy, a Neo-Darwinism for Democracy. In modern democracies, voters are largely ignorant, misinf

लिम्पियाधुरा कालापानी र लिपुलेक (Limpiadhura, Kalapani, Lipulake) The boarder dispute and social media.

सामाजिक संजालमा लिम्पियाधुरा कालापानी र लिपुलेक बारे लेखिने हरेक संदेश महत्वपूर्ण छन् । Recently, few people on Facebook and twitter were pointing that posting on social media from our beds makes no difference but it definitely does. Social media is the most powerful weapon if used properly in the right time. I have tried to point out some of the merits of social media and their positive support in bringing the encroached land back. 1. Awareness Did you ever read in the history book how writing poems was a rebellious thing to do during Rana regime? And how did you come across this information? I am sure it’s through some social media. The same way some other person will learn about these events through your tweet, post and comments. They are a massive net of awareness and awakening movement. The more we post about it in internet, the more it appears on various searches and increases the reach to a global level. 2. Pressure the government There are various accounts of politicians in soc