Why lockdown is not effective as expected?

Govinda Katuwal,

Current restrictions to almost every districts of country was implemented from last few weeks, but if we see the numbers and check data it (suggest) completely opposite to be the outcome of lockdown.

What could be the possibilities that with one of the most strict lockdown the cases are not still decreasing?
There could be numerous factors: so before blaming and shouting towards government at first hand, let’s see where we failed.

 Unconscious citizens behaviour

For all those who are able to read ‘this’ content ; congrats, you are well fed and fulfilled your wanted & unwanted needs. And hopefully your family members have stable source of income, so why roaming outside for unnecessary things? Sadly, this not the scenario for all Nepalese, we have brothers and sisters out working just to eat for a day. Its their necessity not a desire and we have to understand this. Not only in this lockdown period but before restrictions was imposed. Until and unless there isn’t emergency STAY INSIDE YOUR HOME!!

lets be honest and ask a question to oneself? DO I WEAR A MASK PROPERLY ?

 Lack of preventive approach

What does word ‘prevention’ stand for:- to reduce the impact of risk from causing maximum damage. Also, before judging others, lets be honest and ask a question to oneself? DO I WEAR A MASK PROPERLY (covering both nose and mouth tightly)? Mask is our new normal, we have to adapt to it. Wear a mask ‘properly’ for whatever reason you step outside your home and encourage others too. Adopt the basic sanitation procedures, avoid mass gathering.

 Underestimation of potentiality of virus

Regardless of origin of virus: either it was modified in lab or natural outbreak, we are in the crisis right now and its worsening day by day. This is a global pandemic, we have to act as a sensibly being. A big thanks goes to our honourable respected PM sir for exaggeration of how minute the pandemic is. Whatever he mentions, cut the crap, like in our saying “अचानोको पिडा खुकुरीलाई के था.” Those families, individuals have seen the potentiality of virus, how they fought or how they lost their members in front of their eyes being helplessness. Its deep-rooted habits of ours, unless we face we won’t behave consciously. So, this time lets break the bad habits and realize how dangerous it can be.

 Local transmission

One of the major reason that lockdown is not effective is the community level of spread of virus. This could be halted back when the pandemic was emerging but we weren’t serious. For couple of months after 2 nd case was found out strict measure should be implemented. Now, its far too late.

 Loose security

Both in international borders and in local level, this is the pressing issues. The authorities that are dedicated to control the unnecessary movement of people are not working in a right way. Law enforcement is only visible when there is death of infected patients and also for limited period of time. We all agree that they are one of the frontline workers but if they aren’t willing to complete the given task to them, how they expect the general people to do so.

 Burden to fragile health system

In a nation where one doctor is responsible for thousands and lakhs of people’s health. Then, its for sure the pandemic like this will hit hard at such vital system and still the officials aren’t accepting they have failed. Our health system is in a situation where they should choose between covid-19 patients or rest of others.

 Government

Any individual can write how our government completely failed to give the service it was intended in today’s dire condition. Let’s not dive into the current politics matter but cutting short: unwillingness to serve FOR PEOPLE, shift of focus from battling pandemic towards personal political gain, political instability, lack of testing, removal of quarantine facilities. With proper care, the infected patient can be treated, as data suggest less than 1% of total Covid-19 positive person dies. In meantime, no one expects government will help them to fight against pandemic and everyone are in the survival mode. Yet, there are people out there who still thinks they can defy the death. Remember we are not protecting ownself but our loved ones.

Jay Nepal

(The article was written for publication on May 23, 2021 and some information regarding the numbers of cases may vary from present day. )



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